Today I will share to you another important legal form/contract namely Wind Turbine Tower Supply Agreement Sample. If you are looking for this agreement, you have to make sure that those agreement are fully regulates with clauses that govern with this kind of object. The sample of this Contract that I will present next may find it useful for you and your business.
Utilization of renewable energy continues to grow in line with the increasing demand for global energy consumption and the drastic drop in oil prices in recent times. Global renewable energy consumption has increased by 1.5% annually in recent years, with the largest role mainly from developing countries.
Apart from the increasing use of renewable energy, an interesting phenomenon has also occurred in relation to the amount of global carbon emissions. For the first time in four decades, in 2019, global carbon emissions from energy consumption remained stable despite the growth of the world economy.
This is interesting because in the previous period, along with the decline in global economic growth, energy consumption decreased and carbon emissions decreased. The stability of carbon emissions in 2019 is of course related to the widespread use of renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency throughout the world.
The awareness of the world community about the importance of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy as a substitute for fossil energy continues to increase.
Why Choose Wind Turbines?
Of the various potential sources of renewable energy possessed by many countries, wind power is a potential source of energy. Apart from being renewable and environmentally friendly, wind turbines are considered very effective to be used as an energy source. A small wind turbine with a capacity of 3 kW is capable of producing electricity up to 7,000 kWh per year. With this capacity, wind turbines can avoid CO2 emissions of up to 5 tons per year. Installation and use of wind turbines for an average of 20 years can pay back CO2 emissions during the first 3 – 6 months of operation. This means that more than 19 years wind turbines can produce energy without emissions, aka “zero environmental cost” or without “environmental costs”.
According to data compiled by Greenpeace, medium-sized wind turbines at several large projects around the world are capable of operating up to 98% of the time at a constant rate. This means, of the total operating time, only 2% of the time is needed to repair or down the machine. Conditions are much better than one might expect from conventional power plants or power plants using fossil fuels.
Wind power as a turbine propulsion is always available in nature, free of charge and is not affected by fluctuations in fossil fuel prices. This power also does not need to be mined, excavated, transported or transferred to the power generating unit.
Although the initial investment cost of the wind turbine is quite high, as the price of fossil fuels increases, the value of wind power will also increase and the overall cost of the wind turbine unit will decrease. In addition, the most important advantage of wind power is the reduced levels of carbon dioxide emissions that cause climate change. Wind turbines are free from air pollution that is often associated with fossil fuel and nuclear power plants.
In the last 15 years or so, as the market increases, globally the cost of wind power production has decreased by 50%. Currently in areas with maximum winds, wind power is able to compete with new technology coal-fired power plants and in some locations it can match natural gas power plants. According to data from the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), the total wind turbine capacity around the world continues to increase every year with a total of 370 GW in 2014. The country with the largest wind turbine capacity currently is China with a capacity of more than 110 GW, followed by the United States, Germany, Spain and India.
There are many examples or free form of this kind of agreement on the internet, however most of them are in fact inadequate or incomplete to cover all important things . This type of contract is complex, so you need an agreement that covers all the important terms in it.
The following is an example of Wind Turbine Tower Supply Agreement Sample that may suit your business activities. However, if needed, you can modify the contents of this contract according to your business needs.
Note: You can purchase this Wind Turbine Tower Supply Agreement draft for US $40.4, -. (tax included). You can pay by clicking the PayPal or Credit / Debit Card button BELOW. After the payment is successful, this draft + invoice will be automatically sent to the email address that you filled in the payment form.
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