Performance bond atau yang sering disebut dengan jaminan pelaksanaan merupakan surat jaminan untuk klien yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan asuransi atau pembiayaan sebagai suatu jaminan pertanggungjawaban dari kontraktor dalam mengemban proyek tertentu. Sehubungan dengan ini pada bagian bawah postingan ini akan diberikan Contoh Performance Bond Yang Baik.
Maksud dari perfomance bond ini dibuat, apabila kontraktor gagal atau wanprestasi dalam melaksanakan proyek yang telah diembannya/ diperjanjikan, maka klien atau mitra akan memperoleh dan berhak memperoleh performance bond tersebut sebagai ganti rugi atas kegagalan dari kontraktor tersebut. Nah, jaminan performance bond ini akan memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi klien dalam menggunakan jasa kontraktor terhadap proyek-proyeknya.

Adapun yang perlu diketahui bahwa Performance bond ini sudah berlaku dan diterapkan di Indonesia berdasarkan KEPPRES No. 80 tahun 2003 tentang Pengadaan Barang dan Jasan. Adi mana sifat jaminan ini bersifat kondisional, sehingga kerugiannya didasarkan pada perhitungan perkiraan biaya untuk meneruskan pekerjaan tersebut sampai selesai.
Selanjutnya, berapa besarnya nilai jaminan secara umum yang biasanya yang harus dibayarkan oleh kontraktor? tergantung kesepakatan, namun biasanya besarannya 5%-10% dari nilai proyek yang telah disepakati. Apabila kontraktor belum atau tidak bisa menyelesaikan kewajibannya setelah jangka kontrak berakhir, maka performance bond masih dapat diperpanjang sesuai kesepakatan para pihak.
Berikut Contoh Performance Bond Yang Baik yang dapat dijadikan referensi.
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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, that we PT. _, Gedung __, Jakarta Selatan as Contractor, hereinafter called PRINCIPAL and PT. , Gedung ______ Jakarta 10161 as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto PT. , Wisma Lala, Jl. , Jakarta 12100 as Owner hereinafter called OBLIGEE, in the amount of maximum IDR. _ (Indonesian Rupiah _____Only) is to be paid to the said OBLIGEE, for which the payment the Principal and Surety do bind themselves, firmly by these present that if the Principal fails fulfill his obligation in the Performance of the contract which has been awarded to him under the OBLIGEE’S notice of award and which is to be later confirmed by a contract for ___ At _ Factory – Cibubur, Contract Agreement No. dated __ between the OBLIGEE and the PRINCIPAL which contract is inherent within this Bond.
NOW, THEREFORE THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is such that, if the PRINCIPAL shall promptly and faithfully perform said contract, or shall pay over, make good and reimburse to the OBLIGEE, all loss and damage which OBLIGEE may sustain by reason of failure or default on the part of the PRINCIPAL so to do, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect as from _ up to _.
Any claim on this Bond shall be made in written application by the OBLIGEE to the SURETY promptly after the PRINCIPAL fails to fulfill his obligation as specified in the above contract.
SURETY shall pay to the OBLIGEE in the same amount of this Bond within 30 (thirty) calendar days after having received a written claim based on the OBLIGEE’s Decree concerning the penalty due to the result of such default by the PRINCIPAL.
No change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the work to be performed under the agreement shall in any affect Contractor’s or surety’s obligation on this bond, and surety does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or additions thereunder.
With reference to section 1832 of the Book of Civil Law (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata) herewith we reaffirm that the SURETY shall relinguish its special right of claim on assets belonging to the PRINCIPAL and for the seizure and sale of such assets for the discharge of his debts as required in Clause 1831 of the Indonesia Civil Law.
Any proceeding against the SURETY to recover any claim hereunder must be instituted within 1 (one) month after the Bond expires.
PT. ___________ PT. ____________
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