Daftar Izin Yang Harus Dimiliki Oleh Perusahaan Pengelolaan Kayu

Jika Anda Pengusaha pemilik Perusahaan Pengelolaan Kayu, maka terdapat beberapa izin yang perlu Anda ketahui dan dapatkan guna penyesuaian dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Apa-apa saja dokumen tersebut? Berikut daftarnya:

No Nama Perijinan /Name of Licence Masa Berlaku/Expiring Diterbitkan oleh /Published by
1 Pembaharuan Izin Usaha Industri Primer Hasil Hutan(IUI) /
Business License Renewal of Primary Forest Products Industry
Selama Perusahaan masih BeroperasiAs long as the company is still in operation / Kementrian KehutananMinistry of Forestry
2 Izin Usaha Industri /

Industry License

Selama Perusahaan masih BeroperasiAs long as the company is still in operation Badan Koordinasi Penanaman ModalInvestment Coordinating Board
3 Angka Pengenal Importir Produsen (API-P) /

Importer Identification Number (API-P)


Selama Perusahaan masih Beroperasi /As long as the company is still in operation Kementerian PerdaganganMinistry of Commerce
4 Izin Gangguan (HO) /

Disturbance Permit (HO)

5 tahun /5 years Kantor Pelayanan Perijinan TerpaduIntegrated Licensing Service Office
5 Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) /

Company Registration (TDP)

5 tahun /5 years Kantor Pelayanan Perijinan TerpaduIntegrated Licensing Service Office
6 Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) /

Trading Licence

3 tahun /3 years Kantor Pelayanan Perijinan TerpaduIntegrated Licensing Service Office
7 Eksportir Terdaftar Produk Industri Kehutanan(ETPIK) /
Registered Exporter of Forestry Industry
5 tahun /5 years Jenderal Perdagagan Luar NegeriGeneral of Foreign Trade
8 Surat Izin Pemasangan Reklame /

Advertisement Installation Permit

1 tahun /1 year Kantor Pelayanan Perijinan TerpaduIntegrated Licensing Service Office
9 Penetapan Lokasi Tempat Penumpukan /

The Location Determination Buildup

3 tahun /3 years Dinas Kehutanan, Pertambangan dan EnergiDepartment of Forestry, Mining and Energy
10 Persetujuan Pengelolaan Dermaga Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri / (DUKS)Pier Management Approval For Your Own Use (DUKS) Selama Dermaga dikelola untuk kegiatan usahaAs long as the dock is still in operation Kementrian PerhubunganMinistry of Transportation
11 Surat Izin Pengambilan Air BawaI Tanah /

Ground Water Intake Permit

1 tahun /1 year Kantor Pelayanan Perijinan TerpaduIntegrated Licensing Service Office
12 Izin Usaha Industri (Tanpa Melalui Tahap Persetujuan Prinsip) /

Usaha Industrial Permit (Without Through Principle Approval Stage)

1 tahun /1 year Kantor Pelayanan Perijinan TerpaduIntegrated Licensing Service Office

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Nah, apakah perusahaan Anda sudah memiliki seluruh daftar izin di atas?

About the Author

Obbie Afri Gultom, SH, MA, LLM, CHFI, CCRO, CSRS, PhD (Candidate), is the Editor-in-Chief at "Gultom Law Consultants"/SDK Business Legal & Consulting Group (PT Sentral Diklat Konsultindo), a leading firm in corporate management and consulting. A graduate of Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2019 through the StuNed scholarship program, he completed his Master of Law at the University of Auckland in 2022. With four years of experience in Corporate Business Law, including two years in the private sector and two years in a law firm, along with nine years in State Financial Law and Public Audit as an Auditor, Obbie possesses deep expertise in contract writing and review, legal research, merger and acquisition processes, corporate management, Good Corporate Governance (GCG), and public auditing. Additionally, he has three years of experience as a Development Policy Researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Currently, Obbie is pursuing a PhD in Law and Public Policy at Karoli Gaspar University Budapest with a full scholarship from the Hungarian government. For professional services, Obbie Afri Gultom can be contacted via WhatsApp at 08118887270.

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