Pengumuman Kelulusan CPNS Kejaksaan Agung Tahun 2014

Pengumuman Kelulusan CPNS Kejaksaan Agung Tahun 2014Kejaksaan Agung Republik Indonesia telah mengumumkan kelulusan Ujian Calon Pegawai Negeri (CPNS) Tahun 2014, sebagaimana diketahui Kejaksaan Agung RI membuka sekitar 900 lowongan CPNS tahun ini yang sebagian besar terdiri dari lowongan Calon Jaksa. Selain itu lowongan Dokter dan Auditor Pertama juga menyediakan banyak kursi.

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About the Author

Obbie Afri Gultom, SH, MA, LLM, CHFI, CCRO, CSRS, PhD (Candidate), is the Editor-in-Chief at "Gultom Law Consultants"/SDK Business Legal & Consulting Group (PT Sentral Diklat Konsultindo), a leading firm in corporate management and consulting. A graduate of Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2019 through the StuNed scholarship program, he completed his Master of Law at the University of Auckland in 2022. With four years of experience in Corporate Business Law, including two years in the private sector and two years in a law firm, along with nine years in State Financial Law and Public Audit as an Auditor, Obbie possesses deep expertise in contract writing and review, legal research, merger and acquisition processes, corporate management, Good Corporate Governance (GCG), and public auditing. Additionally, he has three years of experience as a Development Policy Researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Currently, Obbie is pursuing a PhD in Law and Public Policy at Karoli Gaspar University Budapest with a full scholarship from the Hungarian government. For professional services, Obbie Afri Gultom can be contacted via WhatsApp at 08118887270.

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